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Yes, High Tide has moved... around the corner in Torquay

Oct 17, 2013

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You're not going mad... High Tide (on the park) has opened on Zeally Bay Road, over looking the park in Torquay. Whilst the original shop is still open in Gilbert Street until March next year, the new bright & spacious store is open for business now. High Tide Life Torquay retail clothing fashion accessories dresses womens


And what a perfect time of year to open with the Spring Racing Carnival almost here, the wedding season starting... and all those Christmas parties you will need a new wardrobe for!

We caught-up with Kathy from High Tide to find out a little more about this wonderful new space.

She loves her new location on the park - it is light , warm and spacious.

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What she loves the most is that it faces north with a beautiful view over the park . Her surroundings are tranquil with plenty of parking - right out the front!

She wanted to incorporate the park into her new environment. To do so she has placed mirrors strategically to reflect the park. Kathy also added beautiful parrots - some on perches, some on displays, to look as though they have flown in!

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To further make use of the surroundings, they are conducting pampering sessions in the shop commencing with relaxing yoga in the park, then morning coffee, manicure, hairstyling, champagne luncheon and then personal outfit styling with Julia. What a great idea!


They stock labels from Italy, France and the ever popular and colourful Desigual from Spain. In addition to great jeans, cashmere and a few Aussie labels.

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It would be a major oversight not to mention they have designated a special area in the shop for 'Joseph Ribkoff' a fantastic label from Montreal in Canada.

It has a great fit, made to flatter the female figure, great for travelling and great colour.

It is mainly dresses, perfect for the Racing Carnival or for weddings, Christmas parties etc

We're loving the new location and feel, and highly recommend you put High Tide on the Park on your list of shops to visit this Spring... the shop is less cluttered, more spacious and has a more relaxing feel.

According to Kathy, it is a lovely space to work in.


Until next time,


Your Neighbour!